Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Multimedia Presentation

Hello all ADMT-blog-viewers,

In this post I have uploaded my two main versions of my ADMT multimedia presentation, the initial multimedia presentation before it was much shortened and the final version. These two videos can be found below as follows. (The videos are from youtube so if you are unable to view it, please ensure that you are able to access first)

Here is the initial ADMT multimedia presentation I have made before it was shortened (12 min 37 sec):

Initial Version V3

Here is the final version of the ADMT multimedia presentation after the shortening of the video above. The music was slightly repetitive as the music for the above was specially composed for that version of the video and cannot be used in this video.

Final Version

And that is all for this post on the multimedia presentation. Thank you all blog-viewers and have a nice day.

Neo Wei Hong (14),
SST S1-07,
With special thanks to Mr Lim and ADMT department.